British Curriculum
British Excellence, UAE Ready Education
The education at the Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai is based on our UK school’s curriculum with some adaptations for life in the UAE. We offer our pupils a happy, well-ordered and stimulating environment in which they can reach their full potential. Our curriculum maintains a balance between ‘what’ is to be learnt and ‘how’ it is learnt.
Our curriculum has clearly defined knowledge and skill expectations underpinned by rigorous academic standards. It is aligned with the English National Curriculum and includes Arabic and Islamic Studies as core elements.
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Early Years (Age 3 – 5)
Excited minds love learning in the early years.
Children in the Early Years love coming to school, looking forward to having fun, learning and making friends. We provide a safe and welcoming environment where every child develops confidence and independence.
Our beautifully designed early years classrooms and outdoor learning spaces provide a stimulating environment where young children can explore, enquire and create. Our highly trained Early Years team use the English National Curriculum as the basis for planning and assessment. Teaching assistants provide support in every classroom, and specialist teachers deliver music and physical education programmes, as well as an informal approach to Arabic learning.
Young children connect learning and exploration, and our enquiry-based approach allows concept development that applies across subject domains. Our teachers balance the demands of the Early Years curriculum with planning led by the interests of the children.
The Royal Grammar School Guildford, Dubai (RGSGD) Early Years curriculum is a two-year programme based on the English Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.
There are seven areas of learning:
• Personal, social and emotional development
• Communication and language
• Physical development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Expressive arts and design
• Understanding the world
Teachers at RGS Guildford Dubai integrate three core learning characteristics: playing and exploring to encourage curiosity and hands-on experience, active learning to foster persistence and focus, and creating and thinking critically to help pupils connect ideas and develop strategies. This approach shapes resilient, engaged learners.
Key Stage 1 (Age 5-7)
Having the time and space to question, collaborate and explore underpins lifelong learning. In Key Stage 1, we go beyond the acquisition of knowledge to develop the skills of investigation and enquiry, as well as a more structured approach to learning. Our Key Stage 1 classrooms and dedicated outdoor learning spaces provide a stimulating environment for young learners.
Children follow daily lessons in English and mathematics, aligned with the English National Curriculum. The curriculum includes core subjects—English, mathematics, science, Arabic, and Islamic studies (for Muslim pupils)—alongside foundation subjects such as history, geography, art, design technology, computing, music, and physical education (PE). Specialist teachers lead classes in Arabic, Islamic Studies, computing, music, and PE, providing expert guidance in these areas.
A unique feature is our bespoke Riyada curriculum, which incorporates UAE Social Studies, Moral Education, Wellbeing and Leadership Development. We believe that every child can learn how to be a leader from a young age.
Teachers plan enquiry units that bring together different aspects of learning. We do this because, when our children enter the world of work, they will need to be flexible learners, able to draw on a diverse body of knowledge to solve complex problems. We embed this way of working from an early age because we believe that children can continuously astound us with their ability to explore, innovate and solve problems.
At this stage, we introduce our children to the use of digital devices in the classroom. Children use either iPads or PC laptops, and we make effective use of a range of educational apps and platforms, fully embedding digital learning as part of our curriculum.
Key Stage 2 (Age 7 - 11)
Our pupils build on the strong foundations laid out in Early Years and Key Stage 1. We focus on the development of the ability to self-evaluate and self-regulate through an ongoing focus on our six Learning Habits.
In Key Stage 2, pupils at RGS Guildford Dubai develop independence by using specialist facilities such as the library, art room, and technology room. They learn safe technology practices and strengthen communication and collaboration skills. Daily lessons in English and mathematics follow the English National Curriculum, complemented by core subjects including science, Arabic, and Islamic studies (for Muslim pupils), as well as foundation subjects like history, geography, art, design technology, computing, music, and PE. Specialist teachers guide pupils in Arabic, Islamic Studies, library use, computing, music, and PE.
A unique feature is our bespoke Riyada curriculum, which incorporates UAE Social Studies, Moral Education, Wellbeing and Leadership Development. We believe that every child can learn how to be a leader from a young age. In Prep, all pupils will undertake an annual leadership project to bring their Riyada learning to life.
Teachers plan subject-specific units that might focus on scientific enquiry, as well as other units that bring together content from a combination of subjects to solve a problem. We do this because, when our children enter the world of work, they will need to be flexible learners, able to draw on a diverse body of knowledge to solve complex problems.
Our expectations of pupils in Key Stage 2 are high because we believe in them. We want them to develop opinions and views so that they can be active and engaged learners. Our highly qualified teachers use a wide range of techniques to ensure that our pupils are actively engaged in learning.
At this stage, we introduce our pupils to the use of a 1:1 digital device as a learning tool. We utilise the Microsoft platform and a range of accompanying apps. We fully embed digital learning in our curriculum, teaching our pupils to use them independently and responsibly.
Senior School (Age 12 – 18)
The Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai (RGSGD) is currently accepting applications from FS1 to Year 9. The school will grow year by year, catering for pupils aged 3-18.
Our curriculum in the senior school is based on the English National Curriculum with UK- based examinations (GCSE and A-Level).
In Years 7 – 9, the curriculum is broad with all pupils studying a wide range of subjects.
In Years 10 and 11, pupils will prepare for and sit GCSE examinations. Most pupils will study for nine GCSE subjects, including six compulsory subjects: mathematics, English language, English literature, biology, chemistry and physics, and three optional subjects. The core curriculum is designed to ensure that no decisions made in Year 10 will restrict university, alternative pathways or career opportunities. However, there will still be flexibility within this framework to allow for a certain amount of specialisation relating to the interests and expertise of individual pupils. More information can be found in our Year 9 Options Companion Guide.
If the school, in partnership with parents and pupils, believes that an alternative to a full GCSE suite would be beneficial, then this can be discussed and pupils may sit a reduced number of qualifications.
For Sixth Form, our standard pathway is three A-Levels. Alongside A-Level studies, pupils may study for an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)