Our Team

A Warm Welcome to Our RGSGD Team

At the Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai (RGSGD), we place tremendous value on our community, and our staff are undoubtedly one of our greatest assets. Their expertise and guidance are essential to inspiring young minds, sparking curiosity, and nurturing a love of learning both in and beyond the classroom.

Alongside the experienced, passionate, and committed staff at RGS Guildford in the UK, our team at RGSGD is comprised of outstanding international educators with vision and drive, all dedicated to creating an exceptional experience for our pupils and their families.

Rooted in over 500 years of RGS tradition, our team combines this proud heritage with innovation and a global perspective, ensuring our pupils are well-prepared for whatever the future holds.

Explore the profiles below to learn more about the individuals leading and shaping our vibrant school community.

Mr. Matthew Pearce, Principal

Senior Leadership Team

Key Stage 3

Upper Key Stage 2

Lower Key Stage 2

Key Stage 1

Early Years Foundation Stage

Specialist Teachers

Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai

Admissions:+971 4 446 4333