February 8, 2022
Re-working the working week at RGSGD

Dubai is set to benefit significantly from a strategic move to a shorter workweek. It’s been implemented by the UAE government to help boost productivity and for a better work-life balance.
Along with the new change to align with global markets and to improve economic competitiveness, the United Arab Emirates has also moved its traditional weekend from Friday and Saturday to Saturday and Sunday.
The transition and bid to go global kickstarted 2022 and has been applied to the public sector and schools. The financial markets followed soon after the announcement and in time the private sector is also expected to realign.
This latest decision by the government means the UAE has become the first country in the world to adopt a four and a half day workweek, running from Monday to midday on a Friday.
The revised timings have also been applied to schools. A few weeks into the new transition, and schools in Dubai are settling in nicely to their new timetable with no change to the curriculum. Clare Turnbull, Principal of The Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai said, “It’s been really easy to make some minor adaptations so that we can keep the richness and the breadth. With tiny, tiny tweaks we’ve been able to maximise our teaching and learning time with the children.”
To watch the video, visit Euronews for the full article.